
Sunday, June 28, 2009


I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now but found the prospect of actually doing it overwhelming. There are so many topics I'd like to blog about (knitting, sewing, crafting, cooking, parenting, exercise, green living) and I couldn't decide what to focus on. However, at the risk of being too broad, I've decided to just blog about everything (well, mostly everything) in my life since really, it all overlaps.

Primarily, I want this blog to be a way to keep in touch and share our daily life with my family and friends that are far away. If others find this blog and like it, then that's just icing on the cake.

And if you're wondering about the name, when I was a girl, I wrote a short story about vacuuming up my cremated father's ashes. What can I say, I was a weird kid. My father, who is alive and well by the way, found it hilarious. Guess where the weirdness comes from?